DATE: Thurs March 23, 2023
TIME: 10 – 11:30 am, Pacific Summer Time, find your local time here.
Video recordings are available afterwards. To access recordings, please register at Our Village, Resonance Path’s virtual community platform.
Nervous system, in Chinese, translates as “the Pathways for Spirit.” When our nervous system is healthy, resilient and robust, we may weave a more intimate connection with the Spirit, the Tao, or Life as a whole.
The nervous system, as a living entity, requires regular tending, just like the flowers and vegetables in a garden. A regular practice where we allow the nervous system to regenerate and resource creates a stable foundation, like a rich layer of topsoil. Without that, the nervous system gets stuck in fight/flight/freeze mode, leaving us feeling chronically stressed, anxious, depleted, overwhelmed or shut down.
How to cultivate an engaging, enjoyable and long-lasting routine of practice? What are the challenges and rewards? What’s the benefit of doing it with a community?
In this Tea Time session, Joe will interview Spring and Angela MacLeod regarding practices. For both Spring and Angela, a regular practice has been crucial in their life-long journey towards wholeness. After the interview, the space will be open for group reflections and discussions.

In April, Spring Cheng and Angela MacLeod will co-host Qi Time, 20-min long practice including qigong, movement, mindfulness and nervous system regulating and resourcing exercises. and a variety of modalities. Qi Time will be offered four times a week. The series is free to attend. Donations are much appreciated but not required.
Can’t make it? No worries. A video recording will be made available after the event within Our Village.
Note: If you are already a member at Our Village, then NO NEED to REGISTER here. Simply go to the Tea Time Event page and RSVP there.