Tea Time Feb 9: Launching Our Village

DATE: Thurs Feb 9, 2023
TIME: 10:30 – noon, Pacific Time, see your local time

At Resonance Path, we practice how to live by values of wholeness: belonging, compassion, trust of inner knowing, play and creativity. At the same time, we also inhabit a collective culture that seems to be on a roll of extracting resources and consuming life to the point of extinction. This conflict we feel inside gnaws our heart with grief, despair and even rage. How shall we be with this conflict?

During the ten years of research and experimentation at Resonance Path, we have laid the foundation of a body of knowledge and practices that marry the magic of Taoism to a scientific approach to inner awareness. With this knowledge, pods of students, researchers and pioneers in US, China and Europe have been learning how to “compost” the felt-sense of this conflict into fertile soil to feed the growth of relationship and community. Now, straddling across three continents, we are starting a new phase.

We want to convene a community where we can share our knowledge and co-create with peers, friends and collaborators. We are excited to launch Our Village, a community of practice. We are calling for warriors, weavers, pioneers, thinkers, artists, social movers and shakers and magicians to join us.

At this launch, Spring and Joe will share more about their visions and the groundwork they laid down. Come and take a tour of the online platform. Check-out how you can “settle” in the village and plant the seeds for your brilliance to bloom here. Bring your questions.

Registration is closed.

2 thoughts on “Tea Time Feb 9: Launching Our Village”

  1. My life situation (four-generation family, homestead, and several ongoing projects in service of the planet) leave little time for me to engage in online-community building, yet I would like to find at least one such on-line community. If I can feel clear that I am able to engage in a meaningful way, this Village may be such a community.

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