We offer the Holistic Mental Health and Expressive Arts elective track for students enrolled in the Regenerative Health MA program at the Ubiquity University.
There are three courses in this track, Dancing Tao, Resonant Facilitation, and Living Song Mentorship.
1. Dancing Tao – Qigong and improv dance as an embodied practice of Taoist Energetics: 1 Credit 15 hours
Qigong is an age-old energetic practice central to the Chinese indigenous healing arts. Spring has been practicing qigong to heal herself since she was 13. This course empowers students to cultivate a self care practice grounded in qigong and self-expression. Furthermore, this course introduces the basic Resonance Code language that decodes the Taoist energetics.
You may learn more about this practice in this video.
To receive credits, students need to complete the following requirements:
- 10 hours of video instructions
- A self-paced regiment of regular practice that lasts for at least 4 weeks. It can be as short as 20 minutes a day, 3 day a week. Please include a report documenting your experience as well as the changes you observed before and after this regular practice. Or you may submit an essay or a poem as a reflection.
- 3 hour of one-on-one work with Spring Cheng and group practice sessions. These sessions may include in-depth Q&A about the content of the video, personal coaching of the Dancing Tao, and its application to self-care practice. Students may also use this time to request a demo of Resonant Facilitation and Living Song Mentorship, two other elective courses in this track.
Total tuition: $750 USD
2. Resonant Facilitation – Holistic Mental Health: 1 Credit 15 hours
Resonant Facilitation is a mindful inquiry process designed to cultivate wholeness using the principle of Resonance, which lies at the heart of the Tao. We will lean into the tensions of the daily life or unfulfilled desires as a starting point, integrating somatic awareness while listening to wisdom hidden in one’s heart and soul. For details please read here.
To receive credits, students need to complete the following two requirements:
- A minimal of 6 hours of one-one-one work with Spring Cheng. Fee: $150/hour, total of $900
- Resonant Facilitation course, 6 – 10 hours of group class and practice time. Time: TBD in 2024. Tuition: $450 ~ 600
To register, please contact me directly. You may book one session before committing to the whole package.
3. Living Song Mentorship – Expressive Arts as a Subtle Medicine: 1 Credit 15 hours
Music and song are integral components of many indigenous healing traditions. Music and songs connect us to the vibrational nature of our being through opening our heart to coherent emotions and feelings, aligning our body to its natural frequency and healing capacities. During the process of colonization and industrialization, this aspect of medicine has been suppressed and muted.
Many of us grew up in a colonized and industrialized culture that displaces us from our indigenous sense of belonging. We are conditioned to be overly critical and judgmental of our performances and appearance. Our heart is often plugged up with a sense of isolation, fear of being not seen and not accepted, and paralysis in expressing our true voices.
I always had a secret longing to sing since I was a young girl, yet never had chance to until I was 41. I held the belief that my voice was terrible and I was too old to learn music. Through the grace of Mystery and a stream of synchronistic events, I was guided to meet my music teacher Kaija, who taught me that music is a universal language native to humans and everyone is born to sing! Read more about my story here.
This mentorship is designed to re-connect us to our indigenous source of belonging, our inner river of music. I will support you to discover your authentic voice, compose your own music as well as teach you the most basic musical theories. My teaching includes:
- Somatic attunement to support your voice organically
- Inviting your own song through an organic process and nurturing it into a full piece
- Cultivate a musical practice to process emotions, connect to your deeper core of being and amplify the joy and inspirations in your life
- Work through the inner critical voice and transform it as your allies instead
- Using a piano or keyboard to learn musical theories including scale, chords and simple composition
- Accompanying yourself while you sing
- Transcribe your music using numbered musical notation, a much simpler way to write and read music than the standard notation
To receive credits, students need to do 8 hours of one-on-one study with Spring. In addition, the student needs to log 7 hours of practice time. The practice time can take form either as a solo exploration or in Song Circle, with local singers or in zoom session organized by Spring.
Total tuition: $1200 USD