Psychotopology is a powerful practice to de-colonize the holistic brilliance of our being from the tyranny of a mind trapped in the illusion of separation.

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Mapping and moving of feeling states

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  • Reunite with the brilliance of your inner being through Psychotopology Fieldwork in one-on-one sessions with either Joe or Spring.
  • Empower yourself with Taoist philosophy and ancient way of life in restoring the wisdom of being at the center of your life.
  • Practice basic Fieldwork mapping skills both on yourself, and with fellow participants.
  • Understand the science and philosophy underlying this work.
  • Build community with fellow practitioners to support each other in de-colonizing your being from the tyranny of judgement, criticism and objectification.
  • Connect and collaborate with other participants in a supportive and inspiring environment.
  • (Optional) Receive a Level One Certificate and integrate this simple and powerful tool into your professional practices.
Nature Art by @Daelinar_Elfkin
  • You desire to shift your life from dominated-by-doing to centered-on-being.
  • You want to develop a holistic relationship with feelings, especially the difficult ones such as grief, anger, anxiety and despair.
  • You wish to empower your actions in the world with the deeper wisdom of your being.
  • You yearn to experience inter-connectedness with a larger whole with your felt-sense and explore how to live from that place.

Register to experience psychotopology fieldwork:

This course is a module in the the Living Resonance Leadership MA/PhD program at Ubiquity University. Students can take the training and enroll in the degree program as an option for future.


This course is co-created and co-facilitated by Joe Shirley, the creator of psychotopology, and Spring Cheng, the creator of the Living Resonance Leadership program. Their bios can be found here. You may also read about Joe and Spring introducing each other here.

Below is a 90-minute introduction to psychotopology on Humanity Rising.

To learn more about psychotopology, please click here