What is Living Resonance Leadership?

Many ancient traditions and indigenous cultures see the world as a living being. At the core of this way of being is resonance, the experience of a profound coherence and synchronization between our inner self and the outer social, natural and cosmic environment. Sometime people refer to the experience of resonance as “magic”, as told by mythical stories in many traditions.

Living Resonance Leadership is the conscious choice to adopt resonance as the foundation for one’s livelihood, surrendering one’s whole life as an instrument for resonance. As leaders, we share our presence, purpose and creative expression with community, relationships and family. We are committed to the ethical use of the “magical” quality of resonance, while engaging a scientific approach to better understand resonance.

In partnership with Ubiquity University, this program is designed to re-enliven the ancient arts and practices of Living Resonance Leadership while infusing it with a scientific rigor. Our program is in service to the emergence of social change movements that prioritize environmental, psychological and cultural regeneration on the Planet Earth.

What do we teach?

Our training aims at attuning students’ somatic, imaginative and emotional faculties to resonate with Interbeing, the interconnected web of relations and life processes. Our emphasis is to help participants develop their leadership through embodied creative expressions such as storytelling, songwriting, dance, ritual and theatrical play.

One fundamental pillar of our curriculum is the mythopoetic and metaphorical ways of sense-making rooted in the Tao from Eastern Asian culture, emphasizing the cultivation of De, the power of inner knowing (also known as the embodied virtue). A leader with De can generate deep resonance within her relationships and communities through her mere presence. She leads not by coercing or forcing, but through allowing, compassion, pure presence and gentle guidance.

The core material of this program is based on the Resonance Code, a modern reinvention of I Ching, the ancient Chinese divinatory system, which has been a core training for tribal as well as political leaders. One aspect of the training is to develop one’s memoir using the Resonance Code. This memoir will become a personalized compass to guide one’s exploration and inquiry of the resonance between inner self and outer environment.

In this program, we emphasize healing the collective and individual trauma of our cultural conditioning due to corrupted patriarchy and colonization, re-balancing the feminine and masculine consciousness, and re-invigorating our eros, the wild and untamed creative energy within us. As we integrate between feeling and intellect, logic and intuition, we become adept at sourcing the flow of cosmic synchronicities to support our regenerative practices in the world.

Who do we serve?

Our purpose is to empower those who serve their family, community and natural environment in the journey of regeneration and conscious evolution. This program is designed for activists, social innovators, homemakers, healers, therapists, artists, awakened business and political leaders, modern priests and priestesses. We believe that the most enlivened leadership on Earth is now residing within people who are heart-centered, compassionate, and caring of nature, community, children, elders, and marginalized people.

This program is being offered in both English and Chinese languages.

Student Feedback

Faculty – Resonance Path Institute

Spring Cheng

Lead Faculty

Inventor of Resonance Code. Lead author of Resonance Code: Empowering Leaders to Evolve Toward Wholeness

Co-founder of the Resonance Path Institute

Joe Shirley

Lead Faculty

Inventor of Feelingwork. Pioneering psychotopology, a discipline for scientific inquiry into the first-person subjective experience.

Co-founder of the Resonance Path Institute

Our partner: Resonance Path China