Resonance Path Institute Faculty

Dr. Spring Cheng is a mentor and guide for inner transformation. Her work integrates the philosophy of the Tao with artistic expression, scientific inquiry and psychospiritual healing. She is passionate about empowering people to birth a culture that celebrates inter-connectedness, harmony, and beauty.
Spring spent the first half of her life in traditional, pre-industrialized China and the latter half in the US. She received a doctoral degree in molecular biology and masters in acupuncture. She founded the Living Resonance Leadership MA/PhD program at Ubiquity University and teaches in both English and Chinese. Spring connects with the indigenous Spirit of China through ancient poetry, singing and qigong Tai Chi. In 2023, ten of her songs composed over ancient Chinese poetry were featured in documentary movie Dancing with the Dead.
Spring is the author of Resonance Code – Empowering Leaders to Evolve Toward Wholeness. Her current writings can be found at here.
在春涛的第三职业阶段,她遇到了生命伴侣乔,与美国人乔一起创建了共振之路研究院。乔年轻时曾被诊断为bipolar。他通过对自身意识艰苦卓绝的实验,开创了心灵拓扑学,意识研究的一个新的前沿。通过领导共振实验室,春涛建立了以培养身心整合为目标的共振密码体系,将科学的思维与古老的易经智慧结合。 春涛现在从事教学以及一对一个案,服务人群遍及中国、美国、欧洲以及澳大利亚和新西兰。
2023年,普众大学 Ubiquity University 邀请春涛建立“生命共振身心领导力学”硕博士学位。当今人类社会面临环境、气候以及社会动荡的重大挑战,这项学位旨在接生一个以培养合作精神、身心整全、开发疗愈和创造力为首要目标的再生态文明。

Joe Shirley asks big questions about the nature of being and seeks answers to those questions through his life-long practice and experimentation of focused awareness. Over the past thirty years, he has developed Feelingwork, a radical new approach that connects with one’s innate source of vitality and wholeness, while navigating through the most difficult and traumatic terrain of individual and collective consciousness, restoring our natural access to thriving.
Currently, Joe focuses on developing and teaching psychotopology, a new, first-person scienceof subjective experience, providing a much-needed update to modern approaches to mental health and well-being, as well as catalyze new research of consciousness and the nature of humanity.

Joseph Friedman has over forty years’ experience in consulting and coaching individuals and organizations in communication effectiveness, leadership, high performance teamwork and creating and enacting strategic plans. He has founded and managed several successful consultancies and human development organizations and has designed and delivered consulting, coaching and educational programs in Africa, the Caribbean, Japan, India and Canada as well as within the United States. He led seminars as a volunteer for est and Landmark Education for 14 years, served on staff at The Hunger Project and led leadership development programs for the UNDP in Africa supporting leaders to mobilize the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Joseph is a voracious learner and a passionate teacher. And has learned and taught European History, communications effectiveness, the philosophy of language and commitment-based management, man/woman relationship dynamics. He is certified to deliver the Leadership Circle 360 assessment, and in facilitating Hellinger Family and Organizational Constellations. Joseph is an associate author with Spring Cheng in writing The Resonance Code – Empowering Leaders to Evolve Toward Wholeness — A Taoist approach to human development, published in 2019. He supported Spring by drawing on his many years of consulting the I Ching and practicing t’ai chi.

Tong has more than 20 years of experience in catalyzing whole-system transformation and evolution, developing trans-cultural and transformational leaders and educators. She specializes in integrating cross-border mergers and acquisitions and in designing and implementing transformational approaches on national development and international governance. In the role of entrepreneur, executive, educator, consultant, and coach, she has worked with leaders in businesses, governments, educational institutes, NGO’s, multilateral agencies as UN and EU, in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America. She has been involved in the development and practice of Resonance Code from early on in the West till its successful launching and implementation in China.
Tong is the founder and CEO of Integral Transformation Inc – Tong Schraa-Liu & Partners. She also teaches in Asian, European and American universities, and is a co-author of the book “Responsible Global Leadership” – the first comprehensive study on global responsible leadership, published by Routledge in 2006. Tong is also active in the field of societal sustainable development and international peace.
Tong studied Law in Shanghai, China; Economics, MBA, and Philosophy in Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Consciousness Studies in Delhi and Pondicherry, India and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. Born and grew up in China, she resides in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Madeira Island, Portugal.

Bioluminescence Consulting. 20+ years work with youth, staff, and human-serving agencies including Northwest Youth Services, Job Corps, and treatment centers. Infused each role with group facilitation/training and collaboration to uplift individual and community well-being and create conditions of voice and agency for those who have been marginalized by colonized systems. Consultant work with Whatcom County Health and Community Services and Northwest Youth Services on frameworks for Healing-Centered Engagement. Certifications in Healing-Centered Engagement through Dr. Shawn Ginwright/Flourish Agenda, and Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness.