Mondays, February 17 to April 27
From 3:30 to 5:00 pm, 10 consecutive weeks.
Two ways to attend: in-person meetings; online videoconferencing calls
Cost: sliding scale $75 – $225 CAD. Plus Book: Colour-$40, B&W $15 .
Scholarships available upon request. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Location: Linnaea Farm
Choose your preferred amount to pay for the book study. Your payment will go to supporting Resonance Path Institute and Folk University in bringing this work to Cortes. We strive to make this program available to people with a diverse range of economic means. We will not refuse anyone who can not afford the payment. At the same time, we welcome the flow of abundance if it delights your heart and feels right and good. Amounts are in Canadian Dollars.
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The planet is moving into a time of profound chaos and uncertainty: climate change, failing political structures, and ecological crisis. At the same time, these conditions are propelling humans to further evolve. We are called to develop new ways of seeing, being and knowing so that we can serve as conduits through which Mother Earth may express new order of life.
Something special is afoot on Cortes in this moment in time, something that resonates beyond its shores. There is a curiosity, a hunger to explore other ways of knowing so we can more effectively heal our body and psyche, organize the community affairs, invent grassroots governance structures, and co-create with those who have different beliefs and worldviews.

Spring, the lead author of The Resonance Code, heard a call through a dream and found her way to Cortes. In community with people she met on the Island, this inquiry emerged: How may the knowledge of The Resonance Code serve the Island’s evolutionary journey toward a new model of civilization? How may what happens on Cortes serve as a seed for Earth’s evolutionary process?
What is the Resonance Code?
Our modern civilization has played out the hand of the linear rational mind to its fullest extent. We are now living its colossal consequences; ecological collapse and climate change.
The Resonance Code sees the unknown and uncertainty we are facing as a reflection of the Inter-Being, a web of subtle energy that weaves through and between all life. Human civilization has a long history of engaging with the Inter-Being in ways often referred to as “irrational”; intuition, clairsentience or divine wisdom. Our over-emphasis on the linear, rational mind and its associated fear of the “irrational” has led to a breakdown of our civilization’s interface with Inter-Being. This now threatens our very existence on this planet!
The Resonance Code taps into the energetic source of what was interpreted as the I Ching, the Book of Change, in ancient China. Just as DNA offers the building blocks for all life, the Resonance Code offers the building blocks for consciousness. Thus, it provides a new language and maps with which we may communicate with the Inter-Being.
The participants of this Book Study will explore with Spring how to integrate the rational mind with the “beyond-rational”, and establish life-affirming relationships with the Inter-Being, in our personal and community life. If you identify yourself as a Cortes Islander, and if you are drawn to participate in this inquiry, please join us!