The Resonance Code Volume One: Maps offers tools for people to develop resilience and capacity to thrive amidst the uncertainty and chaos of our world. This thirteen-week book study will assist you in applying the material in the book to your lives and work pursuits.
This book study contains thirteen 75-min long sessions via videoconferencing calls. There will be two concurrent series.
- Wednesday series: 5pm to 6:15pm Pacific time, from Jan 8th to Apr 1st.
- Friday series: 10am to 11:15am Pacific time, from Jan 10th to Apr 3rd.
- When you register, please indicate which series you like to attend. If you will miss a session, you may attend the other series to make up for the missed session.
Pay what delights your heart. Suggested range: $130 to $390. We intend to offer our book study to people with a diverse range of economic means. For example, you may pay as little as $10 a session. Or, you may want to support us with $30 a session or any amount in between. We will not refuse anyone who wants to learn because they can’t afford it. At the same time, we also welcome the flow of abundance from you if that delights your heart and feels right and good.
Free Information Session: 10 am to 11:30 am on Dec 13th
You are invited to our information session to meet the Ellen McCord and Spring Cheng team. This information session will give you an opportunity to learn about our unique approach to studying The Resonance Code text for application to your life and experience. Curious how is it going to be different from a typical book club? What, exactly, are we going to be doing? Please attend this free information session to learn how this course of study will benefit you. Contact us to sign up or ask questions!
Our work is a marriage of East and West, ancient and modern, science and metaphysics. Many of the concepts presented challenge the reader based on differences in experience, belief and culture. The book’s weaving of a Taoist tradition, western developmental theory, science and metaphysics speak to a poetic aspect of mind. This aspect of mind connects with life mysteries in ways deeply rooted in the traditional culture and pictograph language of the East. In the West, making connections in the domain we call the poetic aspect of mind involves connotation and rhetorical devices that make meaning based on context. Poetic mind in the West draws upon an entirely different kind of cognition. This book study builds a bridge inviting the reader into the material that lives in the unifying arena of our human experience, beyond language, bridging East and West. We will use language to explore what we experience as non-language.

This book study enters the Resonance Code model of human psyche from the western mind orientation. We recognize how language formation and child development vary significantly from East to West. Like goldfish, we don’t necessarily know we are in the “water” of our particular culture until we are out of it. The bridge we build in this class adapts our goldfish selves to become more like salmon, ingesting both the fresh water and salt water that intermingles in The Resonance Code.
Facilitator and Format
This book study will be led by Ellen McCord, faculty at Resonance Path Institute and the editor of The Resonance Code. Each week, we will cover a specific section of the book, using a prompt that generates personal experience of the material for the reader to capture. The class format will be a facilitated group discussion based on participants’ experiences with the prompt. Discussions will be focused on how the material in a particular section of the book becomes personally applicable. Spring Cheng, the primary author of the book will participate. Both Spring and Ellen play in the realms of poetic mind the Resonance Code seeks to help readers develop. In their ongoing work together, they constantly navigate how differently each perceives into that realm based on culture, cognition and experience. Spring and Ellen wish to bring the gift of their collaboration, the exploration of the realms beyond language and culture into this course to make the reader’s experience more personal. The class format will flow as discussion and will be as playful as baby salmon exploring the river’s mouth at the beginning of their lives’ journeys into the sea.
Reviews of The Resonance Code: Empowering Leaders to Evolve Toward Wholeness
From Alan Zulch, Senior Director at Tamalpais Trust:
African American poetess Audre Lorde wrote, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” I have studied many sophisticated analyses and critiques of the old paradigm that is crumbling right now. While useful, these analyses represent refined sets of the master’s tools, still working within the narrow frame of linear rationality and causation, still hoping for a remodel or refinement of our status quo. Whereas, The Resonance Code provides tools to bridge toward and live into the new paradigm. These tools are, in effect, meta-tools, which have the capacity to not only dismantle the master’s house deep into the foundation, but to build an entirely new one.
Excerpt from a full-length review, written by Dorian Cave, PhD candidate at Cumbria University, Curator of Deep Adaptation Forum:
The Resonance Code is a most wonderful bridge to walk in order to grasp some of the crucial thinking that makes up the unique philosophical and spiritual “DNA” of ancient China: the endlessly inspiring system of ideas known as Taoism – and one of its roots, the Book of Changes (I Ching). Even more importantly, by presenting a framework and set of practices to articulate these ideas with a more Western heritage, this book also enables its readers to draw from this deep and often cryptic thinking to enrich, enliven, and even transform their everyday life. This is no small feat.”
Read Dorian’s full review here.