With her partner, Joe, Spring will host an Ask-Me-About-China session to share insights she gained through devoting the last three years working with ordinary Chinese as they navigate through the pandemic and extreme policies of lock-down.
These insights are the fruits of applying the principles of Resonance Code to make sense of a complex, uncertain and changing world. Rather than seeing through the lens of righteousness-against-evil, or us-vs-them, these principles help me see and facilitate subtle interactions and mutual influence between Yin and Yang,
It is Spring’s earnest hope that the insights she gained in China may shed light on how people inhabit the western world, with a catalog of complex social issues that defy the conventional ways of sense-making and problem-solving.
DATE: Thurs Dec 22, 2022, the day after winter solstice in northern hemisphere
TIME: 9 – 10:30 am, Pacific Time, see your local time here. Recording will be provided to registrants after the live event.
TO REGISTER: Please click here.
More from Spring regarding this AMA(C) session:
Sense-making of a “Quantum Observer”
By no means am I an expert on social-political commentaries. I am not striving for an “objective or neutral” perspective. Nor do I prioritize “objective or neutral” perspective when it comes to observing a complex and fast-evolving matter. I think the pandemic has catapulted the human world into a quantum era. In this era, how an observer observes a complex, dynamically evolving matter has tremendous power of influence. I invite you to experiment with observing China through me as a “quantum observer”.
I want to be transparent about my perspectives and biases. I am a native Chinese and an American Chinese living in Washington State. I share deeply intimate bonds with family, friends and colleagues spread in both countries. My interest is to keep those bonds strong, vital and life-giving.
How might you be connected with the Chinese I interact with?
The mainstream media tends to emphasize events such as pandemic policies or social unrest that set China apart with the rest of the world. However, I am in touch with many Chinese who are interested and devoted to purposes that are aligned with circles I am involved with in the west.
These purposes include awakening of ancient indigenous wisdom such as the Tao, empowerment of women, regeneration of the human relationship with nature, innovative ways to organize groups and collectives, development of holistic leadership, and many more. I will share with you how the Chinese I encountered approach these purposes in ways that are in alignment with the Tao, such as embodying harmony when pulled by polarities, and applying Wu Wei, the effortless actions.
I see an awakening, powerful giant rising in the east. With her thousands-years-long history of immense wisdom, plus the mastering of knowledge of modern science and technology, this giant is capable of healing and creativity in ways beyond what we can imagine. However, we are not going to see her clearly if we hold on to the old narratives of war, competition, righteousness-against-evil, and us-vs-them.
The session will be held on the day after winter solstice. We will gather to celebrate the returning light. Please bring your questions, curiosity and the spirit of conversation. Feel free to invite friends. Let’s have a good time!