Sat Apr 18 & Sun Apr 19, 10 am – 5 PM,
Follow-up Video-conferencing Call in Mid May
Lotus Tea Bar & Studio, 710 SE Fidalgo Ave, Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Climate change challenges our living systems with chaos and uncertainty. Planetary conditions indicating ecological collapse propel humans to evolve into a new order of life. Many of us feel called to develop new ways of seeing, being and knowing to better serve as conduits through which Mother Earth can express this new order.
The Resonance Code paradigm holds the human psyche as a microclimate system, influencing and being influenced by the macroclimate of society and culture. It taps into and expands the ancient Chinese energetic system known as the I Ching, the Book of Change. Just as DNA offers building blocks for all life, the Resonance Code offers building blocks for consciousness. It provides a model for mapping human experience with a new language we can use to communicate with the Earth as a living being.
In this workshop we will
· Learn the basics of the Resonance Code
· Practice communicating with “Inter-Being”, the subtle web of inter-connectivity, using the Resonance Code
· Learn how to begin transforming deep grief and fear
· Develop the foundations for a community of practice that may continue after the workshop
Workshop Fees
- $120 – $260
- Scholarship available upon request.